The Life And Death Of Elvis Presley
Masters Watson, Diane (Ed.) (1977)

Manor Books, Inc. , New York (NY)
paperback , 78 pages
unknown ISBN

Category: Magazine
Language: English
Description: Another 1977 'tribute' magazine, using the standard formula of lots of photos and a sketchy biography. Some unusual photos here, but the captions are often inaccurate.
Source(s): Cover, info and description : various sources

This book has been rated by 1 person(s), 1 of them have read this book.
Their average rating is 7.0.
Their comments:

" This was one of the first publications I laid my hands on in the weeks following Elvis' death. I agree with the basic principle of the description offered here. But, in those days, I was a young,and impressionable teenage reader whom did not consider the accuracy of these publications that were rushed to the market. "

(Rates and comments were received between November 2, 2002 and March 12, 2014)
(Rates and comments do not necessarily express the views of ElvisBooks)

Last update: Thursday August 1, 2024 ; Elvis Presley: A Life in Books © 2002-2024