(Click covers to enlarge)

How 'Bout A Date? Encounters With The Young Elvis
Cahoon-Hauser, Caroline ; Hauser Jr., Robert S. (2011)

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
paperback , 118 pages , 22.5 x 15.0 x 0.8 cm , 0.195 kg
ISBN-10: 1-4611-8120-8 , ISBN-13: 978-1-4611-8120-0

Category: Fans
Language: English
Description: This is a story of the author's encounters with the young Elvis Presley, whom she met at a local concert only months before his rise to national fame. It captures the feel of small-town America in the South during the 1950's and paints an authentic portrait of the young Elvis Presley on the brink of stardom.
Source(s): Cover, info and description : ElvisBooks

Last update: Thursday August 1, 2024 ; Elvis Presley: A Life in Books © 2002-2024