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Mijn Boek Met Bebopalulaverhalen
Tiel, Dennis van (2022)

Almost in Elvis , Netherlands
hardback , 172 pages , 21.7 x 17.7 x 1.6 cm , 0.497 kg
ISBN-10: 90-823273-5-X , ISBN-13: 978-90-823273-5-9

Category: Novel
Language: Dutch
Description: The life of Elvis told as a biblical story. This is the twentieth publication of the periodical Almost in Elvis. English translation of the title: 'My Book Of Bebopalula Stories - Told and depicted in many happy messages and verses of praise'. From the author: This book tells the story of the birth of true music and its first Messenger, who needs no name because he was born and lives on in many. Bebopalula makes it clear that the Herald is the savior, the one who connects peoples through a new sound full of harmonies. He enriches the poor souls, frees repressed love from its shame and engages in non-violent combat with the evil establishment's fear of the unknown. Part 1 first discusses his ancestors, who had already begun to shape his character in the few centuries before his birth and also provided space for the development of true music. We are introduced to beautiful visions, thoughts and the beauty of the Promised Land. In part 2 of the book you can read who the Envoy is and what he came to do on earth. The Herald's teaching and life is not just a story of music, liberation from cultural suffocation, or pleasure through love. It is also about excess, betrayal, waste and death. In short, the story has a purpose for all people born after him and often unknowingly influenced by his words in the form of the sacred music. This is reinforced at the end of his life when he says goodbye to the world with the simple words: 'Why me?' He humbly indicates that it can be anyone else who understands the music.
Source: Almost In Elvis.
Source(s): Cover, info and description : ElvisBooks
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